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The Characters


A fairly typical victim of the Indian school system, Ajay spends most of his time counting floor tiles in class. He likes anything involving technology, and once read eleven issues of Windows User Magazine cover to cover at one stretch.

Mr. Sharma

Mr. Sharma
The head of the Mathematics department, Mr. Sharma has been teaching since the late Neolithic. Legend has it that he has memorised the log (base 10) of all real numbers upto four significant figures.

Mr. Rao

Mr. Rao
A History and Civics teacher; not much is known about his teaching skills, as it is difficult to maintain consciousness when he practices them. It is said that he can empty a 4.4 litre rice cooker at one go.

Mr. Martin

Mr. Martin
Probably the only member of the school staff who honestly likes being a teacher, the problem with Mr. Martin is that he is terrible at it. He teaches English, or some curious derivative of it.

Last edited 25 Oct 03 by nath.

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